Other Committees
Today, the Federal Executive Boards are more relevant than at any other time in history. In continuing times of personnel reductions, budget cutbacks and reorganization, interagency collaboration is critical to achieving results. As the local Federal ambassador, the FEB identifies opportunities for partnerships with intergovernmental and community organizations. Interagency collaboration is no longer just a wise choice; it is the platform for meeting agency mission goals. The Greater South Florida Federal Executive Board’s Committees are a vital link to intergovernmental coordination identifying common ground and building cooperative relationships.
Emergency Preparedness, Employee Safety, and Security
Emergency Preparedness and Response
South Florida Federal Safety and Health Council
Workforce Development & Support
ADR/Shared Neutrals
Federal Employee of the Year Award Program
President’s Management Council Interagency Rotation Program
Strategic Partnerships
Sunshine CFC
Feds Feed Families Food Drive
For a detailed description of the strategic goals and the Federal Executive Board Network’s Strategic and Operation Plan, FY2018 – 2022, please visit the national Federal Executive Board webpage.
All South Florida FEB committees have the authority to carry out their programs with considerable flexibility; however, all events of the various committees are the responsibility of the Executive Council through the FEB officers and staff. Prior to the finalization of plans, the event chair must assure that the FEB officers/staff are informed of all details. All commitments for the expenditure of funds MUST be authorized by the South Florida FEB Executive Director.