South Florida FEB

The Emergency Dismissal Committee (EDC)

This committee is comprised of ten federal executives and is chaired by the National Weather Service Meteorologist-in-Charge. The EDC meets around the clock via teleconference before, during (if possible) and after an incident Before an event, two methods are utilized to alert and notify our members:


  •   The South Florida Federal Executive Board incorporates a 24/7 emergency and alert system known as Everbridge Communicator.  This system allows the FEB to communicate with members around the clock via email, voice, and SMS.  The tool is an invaluable resource and ensures that the FEB can provide up-to-date, accurate, and consistent information to our members during local and national emergencies.
  •    The South Florida Federal Executive Board backup system is its Hotline.  This system is comprised of two mailboxes established for communicating emergency recommendations to South Florida executives.  Agency heads can access information and advisories 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.